October 2019 Specials!

October Specials are here! During the month of October, we will be donating $50 to the Susan G. Komen Foundation for every promo package purchased! 😍 [vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] 20% OFF ALL Venus® Rejuvenating Treatments Viva: skin resurfacing MP2: face & body treatments IPL: brown spot reduction AC dual: acne reduction Call to book your appointment today! 352-331-7077…

breast cancer awareness huddle

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Breast Cancer Awareness Month is a worldwide campaign that occurs every October. The purpose is to educate others about breast cancer and promote life-saving research to combat this condition. Thousands of charities and organizations come together to spread breast cancer awareness and show their support by holding fundraisers, hosting events, and connecting with their local…