Are you bothered by cellulite?
Our practice now offers QWO, the first and only FDA-approved injectable for moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. Is it time to get to the bottom of your cellulite? Come and see if QWO is right for you.
What is cellulite?
The truth is there are 3 things that cause cellulite dimples. First, the fibrous bands under the skin cause tension, second the fat cells enlarge and push against the skin, and lastly over time our skin thins.
How does QWO™ work?
QWO is an injectable treatment option. Once QWO is injected it is thought to work in three ways: first, it releases fibrous bands under the skin, then it allows the fat cells pushing against the skin to redistribute, lastly it stimulates to the growth of new collagen.
Treatment Process
QWO is approved for treatment of moderate to severe cellulite in the buttocks of adult women. QWO injections take as little as 10 minutes. Although results are seen after the first treatment for optimal results 3 treatments, 3 weeks apart are recommended.
Be in the know, choose QWO!
Let us book your appointment for you today!